Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thankful Thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for a nice house to sleep in. I'm thankful that I've got shelter here at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Being here, I know that I am protected and loved by not only my mom but also by them.

Unfortunately, not all anipals have this luxury and are out there alone and scared or they are in shelters waiting to be adopted and given a furrever home! Please consider helping those in need. Your kindness towards them will mean everything to them! 

Here are several ways that you can help anipals! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Yesterday I supervised mom with the laundry by sitting in the basket.
(She was trying something new with the picassa image editor) 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Kreativ Style

I received this pretty blog award from my pals @germanshorthair aka Daisy, Gretchen, and Banjo. Have you seen their blog? If not go check it out! I'm very honored to receive this award from them. Thank you!!

Now for the hard part ok well one of the hard parts. I'm suppose to tell 10 things about myself you might not know. *thinking ears*

Well, here they are in no particular order!

My first mom carried me in her smock pocket while she worked at the vet. I was to little to eat on my own and so she fed me from a bottle until I was big enough to eat on my own!

I don't know when my birthday is . My gotcha day for the mom I have now is November 1, 2010.

I'm not so fond of human males probably because it was a male human who dumped me at the vet office where my first mom worked and said "take this, I don't want it anymore" at least that's what my mom now was told. (How could anybody not want me, I'm adorable!)

At the old house I would drink water from the bath faucet. I rarely drank from my bowl. If I had to I would drink from the dogs water bowl. I don't do this now at Grandparents house. My mom set down a plastic bowl and I drink from it and dunk my paws in to watch the water move!

Mom has a lot of different toys for me but my favorite are always the red cat nip balls.

Storms scare me so much that I hide under the bed until they are gone. I don't like the loud noises that come with them. (Don't think any of us do.)

I've never been outside! Mom says that its safer for me that way. Just once I'd like to feel the breeze in my fur though.

My mom once brought home a package of beef jerky. To her surprise I took a small piece and ate it. It's not done very often because she knows that the sodium is not good for her or for me!

I like to race through the house at the wee hours of the morning usually at around 3:00-3:30 am. This is every day and I am told I sound like a herd of elephants! 

I don't like being left alone. I have a fear of being abandoned. If mom leaves I always watch to make sure she comes back. I know she won't leave me behind but you never know what will happen!

Whew wee.. That was a bit exhausting coming up with just ten things.. 

Now the hard hard part. I'm suppose to give this to six blogs.

So I think I've figured it out..

The six blogs I'm giving this award to are as follows:

Monday, June 11, 2012

We just chillin'

Mom thinks Linus isn't feeling so good. He threw up last night. Poor guy. He been inside all today so far. Usually he be out exploring. I hope he feel better! He a nice kity.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

I have claimed my throne!

It's really comfy on this spot! I jumped onto it a couple days ago and fell asleep. Grandma even wrote mom a note letting her know about it because Mom was working at the time. Yeah, I love the chair. I'll let you sit in it if you ask nicely.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today I have decided that Thursday is going to be forevermore "Thankful" Thursday.

On my first Thankful Thursday I want to say I am Thankful for my anipals but especially thankful for Truman (@tweetingtruman)  and Biggie (@biggiefudgecakes). They have been the two most supportive pals of me and mom in this transition period.

To Truman and to Biggie I say thank you! Don't know what I'd be doing without you two.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Candle Tonight

Candles flame burning bright
Flickering into the darkest night
May they bring clarity of sight.
So many are going through life
Struggling and full of strife.

The flames that burn tonight
May they bring a turn to all who see
Peace and harmony is the way to be.

Unkind words and unkind thoughts
Bring things that are not sought
Eventually those that do will be caught
And lessons they will be taught.
For that is what life is all about.

As tonight the flames burn bright
For those that need peace, comfort, 
to make things right
Say a prayer, give a chance, 
do not hesitate and be afraid of the cirumstance. 
Do what is right and gaze upon 
the candle flames that burn tonight.